Abstract Book Files
Dear RNA 2014 Attendees,
The abstract book is now available for you to download and review–one week before the start of RNA 2014. We continue to experiment with the format of the files, so please check out both versions and give us your feedback. There will be questions on the post-meeting survey about these files.
Abstract Book “Print” Version
This file is a digital copy of the complete, printed abstract book. It’s fairly large at 10 MB:
RNA 2014 Abstract Book print.pdf
Abstract Book Digital Version
This year we have tried out a service provided by Guidebook.com for the version of the book that has been optimized for electronic tablets and smart phones. The detailed instructions for getting the guidebook app, downloading the guidebook itself, and using the two, can be found here (guidebook instructions). The abbreviated instructions are below:
- Go to the app store and search for “Guidebook”
- Follow the prompts on your screen, and the app will download.
- Tap on “Download Guides” (in different places for iOS and Android devices)
- Enter a Redeem Code of RNA2014guide
- Tap the download button and your guide will start to load.
- For desktop users or users with Windows Phones or non-Blackberry 10+ devices, navigate to m.guidebook.com in your web browser (at this time, we only offer a native Guidebook app for iOS, Android, Blackberry 10+, and Amazon Kindle).
- Click the “Redeem” link in the upper corner and enter a Redeem Code of RNA2014guide
- Web access to the guide can also be accomplished by going here: