cfdb7_status | first-name | last-name | member-id | menu-869 | institution | mailing-address | city | state | country | zip | phone | your-email | research-citation | checkbox-717 | your-name | email-if-different | the-date | hidden-365 | hidden-3065 | hidden-3066 | file-637cfdb7_file |
unread | Arthur | Zaug | 6009 | Male
| University of Colorado Boulder | Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building | Boulder | Colorado | USA | 80309-0596 | 303-492-5067 | | For discoveries concerning RNA catalysis and telomerase | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Arthur J. Zaug | | October 12, 2021 | | | | 1634050639-file-637-Zaug-application.pdf |
unread | Arthur | Zaug | 6009 | Male
| University of Colorado Boulder | Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building | Boulder | Colorado | USA | 80309-0596 | 303-492-5067 | | For discoveries concerning RNA catalysis and telomerase | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Arthur J. Zaug (PLEASE use this revised application) | | October 12, 2021 | | | | 1634052651-file-637-Zaug_CareerResearcher.pdf.pdf |
unread | Ryan | Fink | 6013 | Male
| University of Penn | 12 erin drive | Jackson | NJ | United States | 08527 | 9177103685 | | CoTranslation RNA Decay | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Ryan nicholas Fink | | 10/12/2021 | | | | 1634059574-file-637-RNA-Society-Outstanding-Career-Researcher-Award.pdf |
unread | Gal | Haimovich | 1203329 | Male
| Weizmann Institute of Science | Herzl st. 234, Belfer bldg. room 416 | Rehovot | - | Israel | 7610001 | +972-545819386 | | Following the life and travels of the messenger RNA | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Gal Haimovich | | October 14, 2021 | | | | 1634238735-file-637-Application_GalHaimovich.pdf |
unread | Marike | van Roon | 1183987 | Female
| MRC Laboratory Molecular Biology | Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Francis Crick Avenue | Cambride | Cambridgeshire | United Kingdon | CB2 0QH | +44 1223 267319 | | Structural and functional studies of telomerase | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Marike van Roon | | 16 October 2021 | | | | 1634296048-file-637-vanRoon_CareerResearcher.pdf |
unread | Vijay | Shankar | 6001 | Male
| Clemson University | 114 Gregor Mendel Circle | Greenwood | South Carolina | United States of America | 29646 | 864-889-0527 | | Unraveling the complexity in transcriptome profiles using statistical and bioinformatics tools | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Vijay Shankar | | 09/28/2021 | | | | 1632852940-file-637-Shankar_CareerResearcher.pdf |
unread | Martha | Stark | 1286818 | Female
| University of Northern British Columbia | 3333 University Way | Prince George | BC | Canada | V2N 3P3 | 2509616318 | | investigations of the mechanism and evolution of pre-mRNA splicing | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Martha Stark | | 16 October 2021 | | | | 1634450393-file-637-Stark_CareerResearcher.pdf |
unread | Narasimhan | Sudarsan | 6016 | Male
| Yale University | YSB 310, 266 Whitney Ave | New Haven | Connecticut | USA | 06511 | 203-432-6554 | | Discovery and validation of Ligand Sensing RNAs | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| NARASIMHAN SUDARSAN | | October 17, 2021 | | | | 1634528459-file-637-Sudarsan_CareerResearcher.pdf |
unread | Alexander K. | Ebralidze | 6031 | Male
| Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | 3 Blackfan Circle; CLS0428 | Boston | MA | USA | 02115 | 617-671-8216 | | Epigenetic mark acetylated histone H2A.Z is regulated by the long noncoding RNAs. | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Alexander K. Ebralidze | | October 31st 2021 | | | | 1635708315-file-637-Applicant_Ebralidze_CareerResearcher.pdf |
unread | Bon | Trinh | 6027 | Male
| Harvard Medical School | 187 Gerry Road | Chestnut Hill | Massachusetts | United States | 02467 | 2818042378 | | RNA regulation of chromatin structure in normal and malignant hematopoiesis | I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.
| Bon Trinh | | 10/31/2021 | | | | 1635737771-file-637-Trinh_CareerResearcher.pdf |
[cfdb7_status] => unread
[your-name] => Eva Kowalinski
[your-email] =>
[checkbox-attestation] => Array
[0] => I attest that I am not receiving a similar allowance from a different source.
[how-funds-will-be-used] =>
A. Travel of a relative or other care provider to my home to care for my child or dependent while I present my abstract and attend the RNA Society Annual Meeting.
[dependent-caregiver-travel] => Travel of grandmother from Wiesbaden, Germany, to Grenoble, France, by train.
[dependent-travel] =>
[care-provider-home] =>
[child-age] => 2 years (25 months)
[attendance-dates] => 28-31/05 (I am co-organising an EMBO course starting on 01/06)
[abstract-id-number] => 61
[benefit-statementcfdb7_file] => 1709027734-benefit-statement-Kowalinski_Benefitstatement.pdf
[abstractcfdb7_file] => 1709027734-abstract-Kowalinski_Abstract.pdf
[cv-resumecfdb7_file] => 1709027734-cv-resume-Kowalinski_CV.pdf