The Eclipse Award for Innovation in High Throughput Biology

Applicants must be members of the RNA Society.

Application Material:

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Upload ONE merged pdf file named ApplicantLastName_Eclipse.pdf that includes:
  • Applicant’s current Curriculum Vitae
  • A 7000-character Summary of your research contributions and accomplishments to date (~1500 words)
  • A 2500-character Abstract that would form the basis of a Mini-review in RNA that examines an important concept in your field of research (~500 words)
  1. A Letter of Support, named ApplicantLastName_Eclipse_Support.pdf, from the current research advisor summarizing the applicant’s cumulative contributions to the area of high throughput RNA biology. Please provide this link to your reference for submitting their recommendation:

Applications must be submitted by October 31st, 2021.

    This nomination is for work as a:
      Graduate Student  Post-Doc.

    Applicant First/Given Name

    Applicant Last/Family Name

    Applicant RNA Society Member Number

    Gender (for use in compliance reporting)

    Applicant Institution

    Applicant Mailing Address

    Applicant City

    Applicant State

    Applicant Country

    Applicant Postal/Zip Code

    Applicant Phone

    Applicant Email

    Research Citation
    (Please provide a brief (4-10 words) caption of applicant’s work. It will be used to generate the award citation)

    Upload Your Application (PDF file only)

    Provide this link to your current research advisor so that they can submit a Letter of Support:

      I certify that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.

    Your name

    Your email address (if different from Applicant)

    Nomination Date

    (You will be redirected to an acknowledgement page after submission completes)


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