RNA 2012

Sponsorship Prospectus (view pdf)

The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society
May 29 to June 3, 2012
University of Michigan Campus
Ann Arbor, MI

Updated: 12 January, 2012



Click on a link to jump to that section of the document

General Information about RNA 2012


Travel Fellowships




Application Form

General Information

The RNA Society is a non-profit, international scientific society with more than 1000 members dedicated to fostering research and education in the field of RNA science. The Society’s annual meeting attracts top researchers from all across the globe, with presentations detailing the very latest discoveries in this field. This is an ideal opportunity for companies to help advance RNA science in a very tangible way, while also having their company more closely associated with top-level research.

Conference Name: RNA 2012:
The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society
Date: Tuesday, 29-May to Sunday, 3-June, 2012
Venue: University of Michigan Campus
Ann Arbor, MI
Host: The RNA Society
9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD, 20814, USA
Website: www.RNAsociety.org/conference-sub-sites/rna-2012/
Attendance: 1100-1400 participants
  • Rachel Green
    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; HHMI
  • Nils Walter
    University of Michigan
  • Melissa Moore
    University of Massachusetts Medical School/HHMI
  • Gerhart Wagner
    Uppsala University
Past Conferences: 2011: Kyoto, Japan; 1100 conferees, 40 countries
2010: Seattle, WA, USA; 1300 conferees, 35 countries
2009: Madison, WI, USA; 1100 conferees, 37 countries
2008: Berlin, Germany; 1200 conferees, 38 countries
2007: Madison, WI, USA; 1000 conferees, 35 countries
2006: Seattle, WA, USA; 800 conferees; 33 countries
2005: Banff, Alberta, Canada; 700 conferees; 25 countries
2004: Vienna, Austria; 600 conferees from 22 countries
Registration Fees:

Early Registration
until 31-March

Standard Registration
after 31-March







Registration fees for the 5-day conference vary from $725 for member advanced registration to $905 for non-member standard registration.

Contact RNA 2012
c/o Simple Meetings
PO Box 31623
Seattle, WA  98103  USA
Phone: +1-206-706-8118
Email: registration@nullwww2.rnasociety.org


Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorships are an excellent way to promote your company while helping the RNA Society keep the cost of conference registration to an affordable level.

1. Categories A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available. A meeting sponsor provides non-exclusive general financial support for the meeting. Session sponsors provide exclusive financial support for one of the two-dozen sessions, workshops, receptions and/or banquet that make up the conference (see the attached program)
2.Cost General meeting sponsorship starts at $2000.
Exclusive session sponsorship is:
•    Welcome Reception:                                   $5000
•    Opening Keynote:                                     $10,000
•    Plenary sessions (1,4,7,9):                         $5000
•    Concurrent sessions (2,5,8,10 A&B):        $2500
•    Workshops (3,6 A&B):                               $1500
•    Beer Hall & Poster sessions                       $2000
•    Closing Banquet & Dance                        $10000
3. Benefits The corporate name and logo will be printed in the abstract book’s sponsorship page, acknowledged on the conference acknowledgement slides, and mentioned in messages to the conferees. In addition, Session sponsors will be prominently featured and acknowledged at the beginning of, midway through, and at the end of the sponsored session, as well on printed posters at the entrances to the sessions.
4. How to apply Please fill out the application form at the bottom of this document, and send it to RNA 2012 as described on that form and above.
5. Deadline Monday, 2 April, 2012
(for acknowledgement in the printed abstract book)
6. Payment After receiving your application, the Society will send an invoice indicating “Sponsorship”. After receipt of the invoice, please transfer your payment to the designated account by the specified date. (Please note that your wire transaction may pass through one or more banks before reaching the designated account. All transaction fees including fees deducted by conduit must be borne in advance by the sponsoring company.)
7. Notice
  • Please note that cancellation of your sponsorship is not permitted after submitting your application, with the exception of circumstances deemed unavoidable.
  • The Society will require an electronic copy of the sponsor’s logo for the acknowledgements.

Travel Fellowships for Young Scientists

The Society is committed making our annual meeting affordable for all scientists, and that includes those coming from less affluent countries or laboratories. We have already reserved $30K for travel fellowships to young scientists, but that will meet only 20-40% of the total need.

1. Categories Travel fellowship categories are open for negotiation. The sponsor may prefer to open applications to all scientists, or to limit awards by scientific subject or geographic location of the applicant.
2. Cost Award amounts are also open to negotiation, however we recommend awards of $750 (the cost of conference registration), up to ~$4000 (complete travel, lodging and conference expenses).
3. Benefits The corporate name and logo will be printed in the abstract book’s sponsorship page, acknowledged on the conference acknowledgement slides, and mentioned in messages to the conferees when announcing the availability of such fellowships.
4. How to apply Please fill out the application form at the bottom of this document, and send it to RNA 2012 as described on that form and above. Describe your proposed fellowship, and we will discuss with you the feasibility and how we can make it happen.
5. Deadline Monday, 2 April, 2012
(for acknowledgement in the printed abstract book)
6. Payment After receiving your application, the Society will send an invoice indicating “Fellowship”. After receipt of the invoice, please transfer your payment to the designated account by the specified date. (Please note that your wire transaction may pass through one or more banks before reaching the designated account. All transaction fees including fees deducted by conduit must be borne in advance by the sponsoring company.)
7. Notice
  • Please note that cancellation of your fellowship is not permitted after submitting your application, with the exception of circumstances deemed unavoidable.
  • The Society will require an electronic copy of the sponsor’s logo, and a paragraph describing the award. The Society reserves the right to alter the descriptive paragraph in order to make it conform to the rest of the abstract book. We will work with the sponsor to make the paragraph acceptable to both the sponsor and the Society.


The Society currently offers a small number of merit-based awards to young scientists, but more such awards are always welcome. Young scientists are invited to submit applications and abstracts detailing their current research, and a committee of scientists selects the winners based on the quality of the research. Contributors are welcome to participate in the selection process, or they can leave the selection process to a committee of RNA Society scientists.

1. Categories Awards categories are open for negotiation. The sponsor may prefer to open award applications to all scientists, or to limit awards by scientific subject or geographic location of the applicant.
2. Cost Award amounts are also open to negotiation. Per person award amounts could be as low as $200 (the current value of our Poster awards), but we recommend awards of $750 (the cost of conference registration), up to $5000 (complete travel, lodging and conference expenses, plus a ~$1000 award check).
3. Benefits The corporate name and logo will be printed in the abstract book’s awards page, along with a paragraph describing the nature of the award.
4. How to apply Please fill out the application form at the bottom of this document, and send it to RNA 2012 as described on that form and above. Describe your proposed award, and we will discuss with you the feasibility and how we can make it happen.
5. Deadline Monday, 2 April, 2012
(for acknowledgement in the printed abstract book)
6. Payment After receiving your application, the Society will send an invoice indicating “Award”. After receipt of the invoice, please transfer your payment to the designated account by the specified date. (Please note that your wire transaction may pass through one or more banks before reaching the designated account. All transaction fees including fees deducted by conduit must be borne in advance by the sponsoring company.)
7. Notice
  • Please note that cancellation of your sponsorship is not permitted after submitting your application, with the exception of circumstances deemed unavoidable.
  • The Society will require an electronic copy of the sponsor’s logo, and a paragraph describing the award. The Society reserves the right to alter the descriptive paragraph in order to make it conform to the rest of the abstract book. We will work with the sponsor to make the paragraph acceptable to both the sponsor and the Society.

Advertising Opportunities

Companies are invited to advertise in the RNA Society’s abstract book, with inserts in the conference bags, and/or on banners at the conference site.


1. Book Layout The RNA Society Abstract Book will be approximately 500 pages, printed in English and in 8 ½” x 11” format. The book will be offered in both printed and electronic format to all conference participants as part of their registration fee.
2. Categories
and Cost



Max Number
of Slots

Outside back cover (1 page)



Inside Front Cover (1 page)



Inside Back Cover (1 page)



Inside (1 page)



Inside (1/2 page)



Insert in Conference Bags



Banner at Conference Site


Web Page Banner


3. How to apply Complete and return the attached PDF form with payment.
4. Deadline Monday, 2 April, 2012  (for Abstract book ads)
Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 (for inserts in conference bags)
5. Notice
  • Both a hard copy and a data file are required.• Ads will be accepted in EPS or Illustrator formats for line art, or in 300 ppi TIFF, JPEG or PNG formats for line art and photos. Contact the Society early on if other formats are required.
  • We recommend that you send us contact information for the graphic artist who created your ad, in case we have questions.
  • Details regarding page assignment will be handled by the Society.


Companies are invited to set up an exhibit at the annual meeting in order to advertise their products and to make direct contact with the conferees.

1. Categories You will be provided two 6 foot tables in an area approximately  6 x 6 ft (~2 x 2m) for the display of your products. If a shell standing exhibit space is desired, please let us know and we can investigate the available space and cost.
2. Cost $3000
3. Schedule Exhibition hours will be Wednesday, May 30, Thursday, May 31, and Friday, June 1, from 20:00 to 22:30, in conjunction with the poster sessions that are attended by all conferenceparticipants.
Set-up: Wednesday, May 30, from 14:00 to 19:00
Move-out: Friday, June 1, from 22:30 to 24:00.
Specific questions about exhibiting should be directed to Kristin Scheyer (kscheyer@nullmsn.com).
4. Exhibits Clinical instruments, testing equipment, drugs and medicines, medical equipment/systems, books, software, etc.
5. How to apply Complete and return the attached PDF form with payment.
6. Deadline Monday, 2 April, 2012
7. Notice
  • Please note that cancellation of your sponsorship is not permitted after submitting your application, with the exception of circumstances deemed unavoidable.
  • A sponsor will receive two name cards for exhibition personnel. The name card is NOT valid for attending the conference program.
  • Sponsors cannot sell their products and services at their exhibition booth during the conference.
  • All exhibits and decoration must remain within the allotted exhibition space. Taping or anchoring on the floor is prohibited.
  • The place of exhibition will be determined by the Society.

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