Abstract Book Files
Dear RNA 2015 Attendees,
The abstract book for RNA 2015 is now available for you to download and review. We continue to experiment with the format of the files, so please check out both versions and give us your feedback. There will be questions on the post-meeting survey about these files.
Abstract Book “Print” Version (7.4 MB)
This file is a digital copy of the complete, printed abstract book. The images have been downsampled, but it’s still fairly large at 7.4 MB:
RNA 2015 Abstract Book print.pdf
Abstract Book Digital Version (6.2 MB)
This year we have returned to a simple PDF document for the digital version. The difference between this and the “printed” version is that this is formatted for better viewing on tablet computers; it is organized and grouped by session, day and topic; hyperlinks were added for faster navigation; and it just contains the schedule, abstracts and connecting tables of contents. The hyperlinks will only work if you use Adobe Reader to view it; that will be available for free from your App store.
RNA 2015 Digital 150511.pdf
Addendum with 7 new poster abstracts and other changes
From an iPad or iPhone you should be able to click on the web link to download and view either file. Click on the “Open with…” link near the top of the screen and choose Adobe Acrobat to open the PDF in that application. Other smart phones and tablets should have similar options.