
You must register for the conference before you can submit an abstract.

When your registration is received you will be sent an email message that includes the link for abstract submission. In case you are not prepared to submit the abstract immediately, be sure to save the message and the link for future reference.

A template will not be provided for submitting abstracts, however submissions will be subject to the following limitations: Title = 30 words; Abstract = 350 words; Authors = 20; Affiliations per author = 2; image files cannot be included. Authors should be entered into the submission screen in the same order they are to be printed in the abstract book. You will be asked for 3 key words (not required fields) and your PI’s name and email address in addition to the names and affiliations of all authors. You will be able to return and complete the submission later if you do not have all the required information initially, however the submission must be completed in full by the deadline date. The submitting author will receive all correspondence related to the submission even if the submitter is not identified as the presenting author. Submitting authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of the abstract at the time it is submitted.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is March 6, 2018 (to be considered for oral presentation) or March 20, 2018 (for poster-only). You must be registered for the conference prior to submitting an abstract.

If there are multiple oral presentation requests from one lab, the PI will be asked to rank the abstracts in order of preference (emails will be sent to PIs by March 9). PIs must reply by March 18 to have their rankings considered by the organizers. In the case of multiple senior PIs on an abstract, only one can be identified as the contact for this ranking.

Decisions about oral presentations will be sent by email approximately March 31. Abstracts which are not selected for oral sessions will be accepted as posters.

If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact Mary McCann at Simple Meetings: RNA2018@nullwww2.rnasociety.org or +1-206-706-8118.