Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, the RNA Society is unable to hold our annual meeting in Vancouver. Our full message about this change can be found here. March 20, 2020 letter from the RNA Society.
Given the importance of the annual meeting to our community, we warmly invite you to this year’s online platform for the exchange of ideas and results, in keeping with our tradition. You won’t want to miss keynote talks by Jack Szostak and Melissa Moore and presentations by our award winners. The oral and poster sessions will feature 120 talks and over 700 posters on diverse areas of RNA science. With more than 1800 participants, RNA 2020 online is set to be the largest meeting of the RNA Society ever! Your overwhelming response to this online meeting demonstrates the resilience and vibrancy of the RNA community worldwide, and the relevance of our science to human welfare. Welcome to RNA 2020 online!
2020 Organizers:
Ling-Ling Chen, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, China
Michaela Frye, DKFZ – Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Germany
Alain Laederach, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, USA
Oliver Muehlemann, University of Bern, Switzerland
Stephen Rader, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Sarah Woodson, Johns Hopkins University, USA