
The RNA Society provides travel fellowships in support of researchers who are constrained financially from attending our conference. These fellowships are often used to offset the cost of registration, and in some cases, may also cover travel costs. Fellowship funds will come from the RNA Society shortly after the close of the conference. You will receive further details on how to request your awarded funds at the meeting check-in desk.

Please note:

  • Fellowships are restricted to RNA Society members. To become a member or renew your membership go to:
  • Abstracts submitted with this travel fellowship application will NOT be entered into the conference registration system. You will need to make a separate conference registration, followed by a separate abstract submission once you have registered for the conference.
  • The application for travel fellowships should be submitted by February 21, 2020 for those who want to be notified in time to make the orals application deadline or want to be considered in the first round of funding. We will continue to accept applications after this date, until March 8th, but available funds are likely to be diminished substantially in a second round and may be absent completely.

Questions can be addressed to

The deadline for Travel Fellowship applications has passed. Please try again next year.