Presenting authors should register for the meeting before submitting an abstract. The presenter’s registration ID number will be required on the abstract submission form. A confirming email containing the submission link will be sent immediately upon completion of registration.
Oral Abstracts: March 4, 2022
Poster Abstracts: March 18, 2022
On both dates, the cutoff time is 23:59 Pacific Time (U.S. west coast). You must be registered to attend the meeting prior to submitting an abstract.
A template will not be provided. Submissions will be subject to the following limitations: Title = 30 words; Abstract = 350 words; image files cannot be included. Authors should be entered in the same order they are to appear in the program.
You will be able to return and complete the submission later if you do not have all the required information initially, however the submission must be completed by the deadline date. The submitter will receive all correspondence related to the submission even if the submitter is not identified as the presenting author. Submitters are responsible for checking the accuracy of the abstract and author list!
PI Ranking
If multiple oral abstracts are submitted from one lab, the PI will be asked to rank the abstracts. Emails will be sent to PIs by March 10 and PIs must reply by March 16 to have their rankings considered by the organizers. In the case of multiple senior PIs on an abstract, only one can be identified as the contact for this ranking.
Digital Content
Oral presenters are expected to record their talk in advance of the meeting and upload a weblink to the video. (The video file will not be uploaded, presenter shall determine where to store the video.) Poster presenters are expected to make a PDF of their poster and upload the file. Uploads should be completed by May 25, 2022. Digital content will be made available shortly after the in-person meeting has concluded. Access to the Content Library will be restricted to registered attendees and limited to three weeks.
Decisions about oral presentations will be sent by email in early April. All oral abstracts which are not selected for a talk will be accepted as posters. One submission is sufficient – please do not submit the same abstract twice for both oral and poster.
Questions regarding abstract submission should be sent by email to RNA2022@nullrnasociety.org.